1. What is tuition and when will I know how much tuition will be?
Tuition Guidelines for the 2024-25 school year are available here
Beginning in July, tuition letters will be sent on a weekly basis. These letters will reflect your child’s specific preschool location.
You can use our tuition calculator to determine your estimated tuition. Please remember, income is calculated by GROSS income (pre-tax, pre-deductions), not NET.
2. How do I pay tuition?
Tuition can be paid online, by phone or by mail. Please see our tuition guideline for more details. Additionally, the
City of Seattle has added an online option for tuition payments. You can access online payment with your invoice and customer number. If you cannot locate these numbers, please contact SPP billing by email at sppbilling@seattle.gov or
(206) 684-5660. Online payment is available here: Lookup Account Details (billerpayments.com). Please note that, if the
invoice is under $3000, both credit card and bank account are accepted. If the invoice is over $3000, only a bank account can be used.
3. Will there be tuition for summer extension?
Yes, there will be tuition for summer extension. All families participating in summer extension in an SPP or Pathway classroom will be charged tuition during summer months (July and August). As a reminder, June tuition is never pro-rated regardless of
participation, as outlined in the SPP tuition payment guidelines.